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Now, suppose O consists of the observations
: runs
after []
inexecutable after []
We have already seen that W ( O;D ) and the axiomatization of the second
observation, viz. Qualied ([ ]) ^:Qualied ([
]), entail
8s [ Result ([ ] ;s ) Holds ( disq ( ignite ) ;s ) _ Holds ( runs ;s )]
The encoding of the rst observation, viz. 9s [ Result ([ ] ;s ) ^Holds ( : runs ;s )],
in conjunction with the axiom Result ([ ] ;s ) ^ Result ([ ] ;s 0 ) s = s 0
to strengthen the above to
8s [ Result ([ ] ;s ) Holds ( disq ( ignite ) ;s )]
It follows that default disq (ignite) cannot be applied. From the state con-
straint disq ( ignite ) 9x: in ( x ) _ mysterious ( ignite )in FC D we also
conclude that
8s [ Result ([ ] ;s ) 9x: Holds ( in ( x ) ;s ) _ Holds ( mysterious ( ignite ) ;s )]
Since entity
is the only one, it follows that in(pot) and mysterious(ignite)
are mutually exclusive, for either consequence in conjunction with W ( O;D )
implies the negation of the other rule's justication. According to the prior-
ity ordering < D , default in(pot) is to be preferably applied when seeking
prioritized extensions of ( O;D ) . Our default theory ( O;D ) thus admits a
unique prioritized extension E , which includes the following formula.
8s [ Result ([ ] ;s ) s = :
) :
) disq (
This formula is skeptically entailed by ( O;D ) . The reader may notice that ac-
cordingly the qualication scenario ( O; D ) admits a unique preferred model
( ;Res ), which satises
Res ([ ]) = f:
) ; :
) ; disq (
) g
In the remainder of this section, we prove general correctness of our ax-
iomatization of qualication scenarios by means of Prioritized Default Logic.
Some preparations are required to this end. Let ( O;D ) be the axiomati-
zation of a qualication scenario ( O; D ) with F ab being the abnormality
fluents. Then a prioritized extension E of ( O;D ) and an interpretation
( ;Res ) for this scenario are said to correspond i for all f ab 2F ab we nd
:f ab 2 Res ([ ]) i 8s [ Result ([ ] ;s ) :Holds ( f ab ;s )] 2 E (3.14)
The notion of potential extensions to be introduced next will be crucial
for the proof of our main theorem. In what follows, for notational convenience
we use the abbreviation Initially ( :` ) for 8s [ Result ([ ] ;s ) :Holds ( `; s )].
Suppose F is a set of formulas which consists in the following:
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