Chemistry Reference
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The values of bond orders for Pd-C bonds: 0.687 and 0.665
The values of bond orders for Pd-Br bonds: 0.369 and 0.417
Sum of bond orders for Pd (all types of bonds): 2.551
Free valence for Pd: +3.449
Net charge of Pd: +0.50
The Br atoms are the atoms having the smallest (negative) net charge.
Values of net charges for C atoms in Pd-C bonds: +0.33 and +0.36
Values of net charges for Br atoms in Pd-Br bonds: −0.60 and −0.65
Donor H-Acceptor H capacity gap: −0.28
Topological indices:
Gravitation index (all atoms): 10634.2
Gravitation index (bonded atoms): 2959.8
Electronic index (all atoms): 33.68
Electronic index (bonded atoms): 13.65
Wiener index: 1568.0
Randic index: 13.49
Balaban index: 0.94
E LUMO = −0.18 E HOMO = −6.94 E LUMO − E HOMO = 6.76 (E LUMO − E HOMO )/2 = 3.38
Fukui indices for C atoms in Pd-C bonds:
I N is 0.81 and 1.65
I E is 9.08 and 1.70
I R is 10.96 and 6.48
Heat of formation: +355.1
COSMO area: 366.1
COSMO volume: 506.2
Empirical formula: C 22 H 24 N 4 PdBr 2
Shannon entropy of atomic numbers: 1.1173
Shannon entropy of bond orders: 0.9779
Log P: 3.50
4.4.14 e xaMple 14
The bischelate complex [L 1 ][L 2 ]GeCl 2 in Figure 4.22 was prepared by double trans-
metallation (Baukov et al. 2008). The charge on the system is null. According to
Table  4.1, the following bonds are identified in this complex: 3 coordinative Ge-O
bonds, 2 coordinative Ge-Cl bonds, 12 single bonds, and 19 aromatic bonds. The Ge-C
bond seems to be at the border between the single and coordinative bonds (B = 0.761).
The C-O and C-N bonds in the substituted amide groups are calculated as aromatic.
The O atom next to the aromatic cycle is connected to it through a C-O aromatic bond.
The value of bond order for Ge-C bonds 0.761
The values of bond orders for Ge-O bonds are within the [0.353, 0.681] range
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