Environmental Engineering Reference
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Note: Cells show the percentage overlap of the approach in a given row by the approach in the corresponding column. The three blocks of cells
outlined in bold correspond to overlaps between approaches within three categories, indicated in the bars on the left: reactive approaches, those
prioritizing high irreplaceability and proactive approaches. Signii cance was tested against overlap expected based on the percentage of the land
area covered by each approach, using a chi-squared test (P = 0.05; * signii cantly greater overlap than expected; ยง signii cantly less overlap than
expected). There are many signii cant overlaps between approaches within each of the three categories: those prioritizing highly vulnerable regions
(2/2 overlaps signii cantly more than expected), those prioritizing irreplaceable regions (24/30), and those prioritizing regions of low vulnerability
(6/6). The opposite is true when comparing approaches prioritizing vulnerable regions with those prioritizing regions of low vulnerability (11/12
overlaps signii cantly less than expected). The approaches that incorporate irreplaceability almost all show signii cantly more overlap than
expected with and by at least four other systems. In contrast, those that do not incorporate irreplaceability only overlap signii cantly more than
expected with or by three other approaches at the most.
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