Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Forest Fires
»For fire emergency, dial 18. Forest fires are common July and August, and spread in-
credibly fast. July to mid-September, high-risk trails close. Never walk in closed zones.
Tourist offices have current information.
»Forests are criss-crossed by fire roads. Signposted DFCI (forest-fire defence team) tracks
are closed to motorists, but open to walkers.
»Campfires are forbidden. Barbecues are forbidden in many areas in July and August.
Poisonous Mushrooms
Never eat wild mushrooms until they've been deemed safe by a professional - local phar-
macies provide mushroom-identification services.
»Theft from luggage, pockets, cars, trains and laundrettes is widespread, particularly
along the Côte d'Azur. Keep close watch on bags, especially at tourist offices, train and
bus stations, outdoor cafes, beaches and overnight train rides (lock your compartment
»Leave nothing in parked cars. Carry cash in front pockets or money belt. Beware of pick-
pockets in crowded tourist areas.
»Common cons: thief finds a gold ring in your path, or lays a newspaper on your restaur-
ant table, or approaches to ask if you speak English. Ignore children with clipboards, espe-
cially those playing deaf.
»Don't stare at your smartphone in train stations; conceal it when not using it.
»Lock your passport in the hotel's safe. Carry the passport number (or photocopy) and
your driving licence for ID.
»When swimming, take turns sitting with personal effects. On the Prado beaches in Mar-
seille, consider placing valuables in one of the free (staffed) lockers.
»Aggressive theft from cars stopped at red lights is an occasional problem in Marseille,
Nice and larger cities; keep doors locked and windows up when idling.
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