Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
The enormous Mercantour National Park rises north of the Côte d'Azur, east of Haute-
Provence, and sprawls nearly 700 sq km (270 sq miles). Its rugged alpine terrain comprises
six principal valleys, separated by high peaks.
Vallée de L'Ubaye
The national park's northern edge and least-visited area, spectacular, narrow Ubaye River
Valley, runs east-west beneath snow-capped mountains, delimiting the High Alps from
The valley's only town, Barcelonnette (elevation 1135m), has an unexpected Mexican
heritage and exceptional, very un-alpine architecture. From the 18th century until WWII,
some 5000 Barcelonnettais emigrated to Mexico to seek their fortunes in silk- and wool-
weaving industries; upon their return, they built mansions. One of the most spectacular is
Musée de la Vallée ( 04 92 81 27 15; 10 av de la Libération; adult/child €3.30/free;
10am-noon & 2.30-7pm daily mid-Jul & Aug, 2.30am-6pm Wed-Sat rest of year, closed
mid-Nov-mid-Dec) . Cafes surround place Manuel.
Brilliant for outdoor sports, Vallée de l'Ubaye is linked to the outside world via seven
mountain passes, destination of hard-core cyclists. In summer, Le Martinet , 15km west of
Barcelonnette, is a base for mountain-biking and rafting trips; consider outfitter River (
04 92 85 53 99; ) . Contact the Bureau des Guides de l'Ubaye ( 06 86 67
38 73; ; rue Manuel, Barcelonnette) to find independent
rafting, walking, biking and canyoning guides.
Rising 8.5km southwest of Barcelonnette, ski resort Pra Loup ( 04 92 84 10 04; ) has two base areas: Pra Loup 1500 (sometimes called Les Molanes)
and Pra Loup 1600 (with more infrastructure and nightlife), connected via lifts (when
there's snow) with Haut-Verdon ski resort Foux d'Allos. Together they form the Southern
Alps' biggest and best snowsports destination. In summer there's brilliant lift-served
mountain-biking and hiking.
Les Méans ( 04 92 81 03 91; ; D900, Méolans-Revel;
r/apt incl breakfast from €65/98; ) , a 15th-century farm, hides a tunnel where knights
once escaped into the mountains. Now it's an incredible B&B - heaven for hikers - sur-
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