Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Footprints of prehistoric birds, outsize ammonites and ram's-horn spiral shells are among
the amazing fossils in the 1900-sq-km Réserve Géologique de Haute-Provence. You'll need
a detailed regional map (sold at tourist offices) and your own transport to reach the 18 sites,
most of which lie around Barles (north) and Barrême (south). An impressive limestone slab
with some 500 ammonites sits 3km north of Digne on the road to Barles. The reserve also
has museums in Sisteron and Castellane.
Find time to visit the fascinating Maison de la Géologie in St-Bénoît, 2km north of Digne-les-Bains. Trails lead to
Musée Promenade ( 04 92 36 70 70; ; 10 montée Bernard Dellacasagrande; adult/7-14yr €5/
3; museum 9am-1pm & 2-7pm daily Apr-Oct, closed weekends Nov-Mar, park 24 hr) containing aquariums, in-
sect displays, fossils and plants, placed in evolutionary context, revealing the region's incredible geological signific-
ance. Outside, the Jardin des Papillons (butterfly garden) attracts more than half of France's butterfly species. The
museum is off the road to Barles.
POP 17,680 / ELEV 608M
Despite several worthwhile sights, Digne-les-Bains is dreary - it's where you go to find
bureaucrats, hiking information and bus schedules. Its namesake hot springs have become
an institutional medical spa.
What's beautiful about Digne lies outside it. This is the foot of the Alps, home to
Europe's most diverse population of butterflies, and lavender carpets the mountainsides.
Rando Lavande ( 04 92 32 27 44; ; 7 rue de Provence;
from €20) organises customised summertime lavender walks and wintertime snowshoeing.
The city celebrates August's harvest with the five-day Corso de la Lavande.
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