Database Reference
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(2 rows)
Now for each post, we need to perform the following tasks:
• Pull a list of comments
• Up and downvotes
• Load comments as follows:
cqlsh:weblog> select * from comments where post_id =
c06a42f0-22b2-11e4-a4f0-7f1a8b30f852 order by id desc;
post_id | id | commenter |
content |
posted_on | title
c06a4... | cd5a8... |
| Please follow my blog. |
2014-08-13 00:12:59+0530 | Follow my blog
c06a4... | c6aff... |
| Thanks, this is good stuff. |
2014-08-13 00:12:55+0530 | Nice!
c06a4... | be127... | | It is too short
to describe the complexity. | 2014-08-13
00:12:53+0530 | Thoughful article but...
• Individually fetch counters for each post and comment as follows:
cqlsh:weblog> select * from comment_votes where
comment_id = be127d00-22c2-11e4-a4f0-7f1a8b30f852;
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