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The application would generate uuid or you will get uuid from an existing record in the
blogs table based on a user's e-mail address or some other criteria. Here, just to be con-
cise, the uuid generation is left to Cassandra, and it is retrieved by running the SELECT
statement. Let's insert some posts to this blog:
# First post
cqlsh:weblog> INSERT INTO posts (id, blog_id, title,
content, tags, posted_on) VALUES (now(),
83cec740-22b1-11e4-a4f0-7f1a8b30f852, 'first post', 'hey
howdy!', {'random','welcome'}, 1407822921000);
cqlsh:weblog> SELECT * FROM posts;
blog_id | id | content |
posted_on | tags | title
83cec... | 04722... | hey howdy! | 2014-08-12
11:25:21+0530 | {'random', 'welcome'} | first post
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