Database Reference
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cqlsh:weblog> CREATE TABLE comments (id timeuuid, post_id
timeuuid, title text, content text, posted_on timestamp,
commenter varchar, PRIMARY KEY(post_id, id));
cqlsh:weblog> CREATE TABLE post_votes(post_id timeuuid
PRIMARY KEY, upvotes counter, downvotes counter);
cqlsh:weblog> CREATE TABLE comment_votes(comment_id
timeuuid PRIMARY KEY, upvotes counter, downvotes counter);
Universally unique identifiers: uuid and timeuuid
In the preceding CQL statements, there are two interesting data types— uuid and
timeuuid . uuid stands for universally unique identifier. There are five types of them.
One of these uuid types is timeuuid , which is essentially uuid type 1 that takes
timestamp as its first component. This means it can be used to sort things by time. This
is what we wanted to do in this example: sort posts by the time they were published.
On the other hand, uuid accepts any of these five types of uuid as long as the format
follows the standard uuid format.
In Cassandra, if you have chosen the uuid type for a column, you will need to pass
uuid while inserting the data. With timeuuid , just passing timestamp is enough.
The first statement requests Cassandra to create a keyspace named weblog with replica-
tion factor 1 because we are running a single node Cassandra on a local machine. Here are
a couple of things to notice:
• The column tags in the posts table is a set of strings.
• The primary key for posts , categories , and comments has more than one
component. The first of these components is a partition key. Data with the same
primary key in a table resides on the same machine. This means, all the posts' re-
cords that belong to one blog stays on one machine (not really; if the replication
factor is more than one, the records get replicated to as many machines). This is
true for all the tables with composite keys.
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