Database Reference
In-Depth Information
tp://JOBTRACKER_ADDRESS:50030 . However, if you are running everything loc-
ally, the address will be http://localhost:50030 . You can click on a job link and
view its details. On the job detail page, you can see logs for Mapper or Reducer processes.
As per our Reducer configuration, the results can be accessed by Cassandra from the ap-
propriate column family. You may observe the result there. As expected, you will find
the in highest use, and there are decent number of references to Alice , Hatter , and
Cat :
cqlsh:testks> select * from resultCF where key = 'the';
KEY | count
the | 1664
cqlsh:testks> select * from resultCF where key = 'Alice';
KEY | count
Alice | 377
cqlsh:testks> select * from resultCF where key = 'Hatter';
KEY | count
Hatter | 54
cqlsh:testks> select * from resultCF where key = 'Cat';
KEY | count
Cat | 23
The following figure shows a typical setup for analytics with Cassandra and Hadoop:
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