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Now, we have the machine ready to be monitored via NRPE.
Installing the NRPE plugin on a Nagios machine
Installing an NRPE plugin on a Nagios machine is a subset of the task that we did for the
remote host machine. All you need to do is install the NRPE plugin and nothing else. The
following are the steps to be performed to install a Nagios plugin:
$ wget
$ tar xvzf nrpe-2.14.tar.gz
$ cd nrpe-2.14
$ ./configure
$ make all
$ sudo make install-plugin
# Test if plugin is working, you should replace
# with one of the machine's address with NRPE + xinetd
$ /usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_nrpe -H
NRPE v2.14
Setting up things to monitor
In this section, we will talk about how to set up CPU, disk, and Cassandra monitoring.
However, the detail is enough to enable you to set up any Nagios plugin and configure
Monitoring CPU and disk space : These are the tests that need to be executed on
remote machines. Thus, we may need to configure NRPE configuration to allow
those plugins to be executed remotely. This configuration is stored in /usr/
local/nagios/etc/nrpe.cfg . If you do not find the plugin that you want
to execute or you want to change the parameters to be passed to the plugin, this is
the place to achieve that. Use the following set of commands:
# edit /usr/local/nagios/etc/nrpe.cfg
check_users -w 5 -c 10
check_load -w 15,10,5 -c 30,25,20
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