Database Reference
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3. Start the OpsCenter web server as follows:
# Use -f to start in foreground
# In the preceding command, $OPSCENTER_HOME is just a
reference to the OpsCenter installation location
If the web server starts without any error, you should be able to access OpsCenter from
your browser. Make sure the security settings allow the port mentioned in opscen-
terd.conf . When no agent is added, it will ask you to create a new cluster or join an
existing cluster. This is the time to set up agents on each Cassandra node.
Setting up an OpsCenter agent
OpsCenter works in such a way that there are agents that the web interface of OpsCenter
talks to. These agents collect data points and send commands to the nodes as shown in the
following screenshot:
OpsCenter in action
An agent is available within the OpsCenter directory under the agent directory. You
need to set up the agent and then copy the agent directory to all other nodes. Then, start
the agents. The following are the steps to set up the agent:
1. Go to the agent directory:
2. Set up the agent:
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