Database Reference
In-Depth Information
The following are the prerequisites needed to install OpsCenter and an agent:
Python 2.6+ : The web interface is Python-based and utilizes the Twisted pack-
age. Python's recommended version is 2.6+. It may or may not work with Python
3. Use the following command to find out the version of Python installed on your
$ python -V
Python 2.6.8
sysstat : This is a bundle of system monitoring utilities. It provides statistics about
CPU usage, memory usage, space monitoring, I/O activity information, and net-
work statistics, and some other data about system resources. The presence of
sysstat can be checked by executing the following command:
# iostat is one the utilities in sysstat. V is
$ iostat -V
sysstat version 9.0.4
(C) Sebastien Godard (sysstat <at>
If it is not already installed, use the following commands depending on your Linux
# CentOS or RHEL like systems
sudo apt-get install sysstat
# Ubuntu or Debian like systems
yum install sysstat
OpenSSL : This is an optional component. OpsCenter uses a secure connection to
communicate within the OpsCenter web interface and agents by default. If you are
just testing OpsCenter, you are running within a secure internal network; alternat-
ively, if there is no appropriate OpenSSL implementation for the platform, you
may just avoid this step by adding the following lines in $OPSCENTER_HOME/
conf/opscenterd.conf :
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