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GB 33.33% -3074457345618258603 1a Up Normal 4.54
GB 33.33% 3074457345618258602 1a Up Normal 2.89
GB 8.33% 4611686018427387904
Move tokens : Let's balance the nodes by moving data around. We need not touch
Node #1 and Node #4 . We need to move data from Node #2 and Node #3 .
They are the ones with wrong tokens. One of them should have the token as 0,
and another should have token as 4611686018427387904 . This is how we
make this happen:
# Move data on Node #2
$ /opt/cassandra/bin/nodetool -h move
# Cassandra is still unbalanced.# Move data on Node #3
$ /opt/cassandra/bin/nodetool -h move 0
This is a blocking operation, which means you will need to wait until the process
finishes. In a really large cluster with huge data, it may take some time to move
the data. Be patient; this operation moves data. It heavily burdens the network,
and the data size on disks may change. Therefore, it is not ideal to do this task
when your site is running under heavy load. Perform this task at a relatively slow
traffic time. It may be useful to watch streaming statistics on the node using no-
detool netstats . Here is an example of how it looks (sampled every 1
$ for i in {1..300} ; do /opt/cassandra/bin/nodetool
-h netstats; sleep 1; done
Not sending any streams.
Not receiving any streams.
Pool Name Active Pending Completed
Commands n/a 0 1371882
Responses n/a 0 7871820
Not sending any streams.
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