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plication when compared to the heap size requirement on a 32-bit machine. Com-
pressed OOP options help to keep the heap size smaller on 64-bit machines.
(Read more about compressed OOPs on
technotes/guides/vm/performance-enhancements-7.html#compressedOop . )
It is generally suggested to run Cassandra on Oracle Java 6. Compressed OOPs
are supported and activated by default from Java SE Version 6u23+. For earlier
releases, you need to explicitly activate this by passing the -
XX:+UseCompressedOops flag.
Enable JNA : Refer to Chapter 4 , Deploying a Cluster , for the specifics of in-
stalling the JNA library for your operating system. JNA gives Cassandra access to
native OS libraries (shared libraries and DLLs). Cassandra uses JNA for off-heap
row cache that does not get swapped and in general gives favorable performance
results on reads and writes. If no JNA exists, Cassandra falls back to on-heap row
caching, which has a negative impact on performance. JNA also helps while tak-
ing backups; snapshots are created with help of JNA, which would have taken
much longer with fork and Java exec .
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