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Authorization and authentication
By default, Cassandra is open to everyone who has access to Cassandra's node address and
ports. Since most of the time it's just your applications that access Cassandra and generally
the whole application ecosystem is heavily guarded (by VPN, VPC, and firewall), it may
not bother you that Cassandra has no security.
Cassandra 1.2.2 and higher provide an RDBMS-like security authorization and authentica-
tion mechanism that is a notable departure from the text file-based security before this ver-
sion. To enable security, all you need to do is change two things in the cassandra.yaml
file: authenticator and authorizer. By default, they are set to AllowAllAuthenticator
and AllowAllAuthorizer , respectively. They work exactly in ways their names sug-
gest. Cassandra ships with PasswordAuthenticator as authenticator and Cas-
sandraAuthorizer as authorizer. This will enable a MySQL-like authorization and au-
thentication system in Cassandra. For more details on working with Cassandra authn and
authz , refer to Chapter 3 , Effective CQL . But if you want to implement one of your own
or want to hook it up with your existing security mechanism, you can implement Iau-
thenticator for authentication and/or Iauthorizer for authorization.
The default username and password for Cassandra is cassandra/cassandra . It is ad-
vised that when you first log in, you create a new superuser and remove any permission
from the default user and change the default password, for obvious reasons. The details on
how to do that are described in Chapter 3 , Effective CQL .
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