Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Anatomy of the installation
There are a couple of programs and files that one must know about to work effectively with
Cassandra. These programs and files come to use during investigation, maintenance, con-
figuration, and optimization.
Depending on how the installation is done, the file may be available at different locations.
For a tarball installation, everything is neatly packaged under the directory where Cas-
sandra is installed: binaries under the bin directory and the configuration file under the
conf directory. For repository-based installations, binaries are available in /usr/bin
and /usr/sbin directories and configuration files are available under /etc/cas-
sandra and /etc/default/cassandra .
Cassandra binaries
Cassandra binaries contain executables for various tasks. These executables exist in the in-
stallation directory under the bin/ folder or tools/bin/ . Let's take a quick glance at
bin/cassandra : It starts the Cassandra daemon using the default configuration.
To start Cassandra in the foreground, use the -f option. You can use Ctrl + C to
kill Cassandra and view logs on the console. One may also use -p <pid_file>
to have a handle and kill Cassandra running in the background by using kill
`cat <pid_file>` .
If Cassandra is installed from the repository, it must have created a service for it.
Therefore, one should use sudo service cassandra start , sudo ser-
vice cassandra stop , and sudo service cassandra status to
start, stop, and query the status of Cassandra, respectively.
bin/cassandra-cli : Cassandra's command-line interface ( CLI ) gives very
basic access to execute simple commands meant for modifying and accessing key-
spaces and column families. The typical use of Cassandra looks like this:
cassandra-cli -h <hostname> -p <port> -k <keyspace>
A file of statements can be passed to the CLI using the -f option.
bin/cqlsh : This is a CLI to execute CQL3 queries. Typically, the cqlsh-
connect command looks like this:
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