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Executing the BATCH statement
Cassandra provides batch processing which is remotely similar to stored procedures in
SQL. You can have multiple mutation ( INSERT , UPDATE , or DELETE ) statements in a
BATCH statement and execute them. Cassandra guarantees that batch operations will be
atomic; that means that if any of the queries in the batch are executed, all the queries will
be executed. However, it does not provide a transactional guarantee. For example, a client
can see the effect of execution of the first query in the batch, while others are yet to be ap-
plied. Note that it does not alter lightweight transaction queries in the batch by any way,
but those queries still stay transactional.
Here's the syntax for BATCH :
[ USING TIMESTAMP timestamp ]
The BATCH statement is written to a system table before being applied to make sure that
the batch completes, even in the event of death of the coordinator node. This record gets
removed when the batch gets processed. This may cause some performance issues. If you
wanted to skip this persistence of the batch, use the UNLOGGED keyword. The
UNLOGGED keyword should also be used if the batch contains any query that updates the
counter. In Cassandra 2.0.9 or earlier, however, you should use COUNTER instead of
UNLOGGED . It is important to note that counters are not idempotent. This means that if
the same query is run twice, the results will be different. For example, if a batch contains a
statement that increases credit_balance of a user by 1,000 and if for some reason
the update block failed and retry was attempted, credit_balance will be updated
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