Database Reference
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'select * from grant_test'
id | name
1 | Mocking Jay
2 | Henry Ford
(2 rows)
$CASSANDRA_HOME/bin/cqlsh -u testuser -p abc -k demo_cql -e
"insert into grant_test (id, name) values (42, 'fail me')"
<stdin>:1:code=2100 [Unauthorized] message="User testuser
has no MODIFY permission on <table demo_cql.grant_test> or
any of its parents"
Permission types and their scopes are as follows:
ALL : This allows all types of queries to run on the entity or entities specified.
SELECT : This allows just SELECT statements to be run by the specified user on
the specified entity.
CREATE : This allows CREATE statements. The user can create a table in a key-
space if the user is given the CREATE permission to the keyspace. To create a
keyspace, the user needs to have the CREATE permission to all keyspaces.
MODIFY : This allows the statements such as INSERT , DELETE , UPDATE , and
TRUNCATE . Users permitted to modify an entity can run these statements/com-
mands without any constraints like the ones that the CREATE statement has.
ALTER : This allows users to execute the ALTER statements and CREATE or
DROP indexes.
DROP : This allows you to drop keyspaces and tables.
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