Database Reference
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So, for an unnamed index on the users table on the browsing_history column,
you would use the following query:
DROP INDEX IF EXISTS users_browsing_history_idx;
Creating a data type
Cassandra gives you freedom to compose your own data type using the basic types that
Cassandra provides you with. Much like Struct in C, it gives you relief in cases where
you have to denormalize data because Cassandra does not support the join queries. The
most common example of this is putting multiple shipping addresses in a map within a
users' table. In RDBMS, you would probably just create two tables: users and ad-
dresses . You'd make user_id a foreign key in the addresses table. Then, you use
a join query to retrieve a User object that has Map<String, Address> that lists
all the shipping address of the user. In Cassandra, we have two options to go about it. The
first option is to create a custom data type, which is User Defined Type ( UDT ), for the
address object, and save it as a part of row in the users table. This is denormalization
using UDT.
The other option is to have a separate addresses table and store the primary keys of
these addresses in the users table. When retrieving, the former just needs to fetch the
data from the users table to get a user's data along with its addresses. In the latter case,
however, you will need to pull the user's records and then use the primary keys of the ad-
dresses to execute another IN query on the addresses table to get addresses. It's a lot
of work. We would go with the former, the custom data type with the denormalization ap-
Creating a type has the same syntax as creating a table without properties. Here's the
query pattern:
( field_name field_type [, field_name field_type, ... ] );
Let's take a look at the following example:
# Create a UDT
CREATE TYPE address ( address text, country varchar,
postal_code varchar, preference int );
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