Geoscience Reference
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Figure B2.8 Magnitude and duration of Late Ordovician-Early Silurian glaciation based on
carbonate “clumped” isotope paleothermometry (modified from Finnegan et al., 2011). (A)
Hypotheses regarding the duration of the icehouse interval: restricted largely or entirely to the
Hirnantian stage lasting as few as 500,000 years, with a peak in the Hirnantian interval. Both
the beginning and the end of the Hirnantian stage saw a decrease in marine invertebrate
genus diversity. (B) Δ47-derived near-surface ocean temperature trend for the early Katian to
late Aeronian interval. (C)
18 O (VPDB) trend over the same interval. (D) Relative
contributions of temperature and
18 O water to changes in
18 O (Δ
18 O) between successive
18 O, and color proportion is scaled to the
relative contribution of temperature change (red) and change in the oxygen isotopic
composition of seawater (blue) to Δ
time intervals. Bars are scaled to the magnitude of
18 O. (E)
18 O water (VSMOW) trend. Dotted lines indicate
18 O water value for an ice-free
world. Various symbols and colors indicate various fossil organisms and locations. SOURCE:
Finnegan et al. (2011).
18 O water value during the Pleistocene LGM (10) and expected
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