Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
What to see and do
Arrival and departure
Getting around
Drinking and nightlife
Russia's capital, MOSCOW (Москва), is a modern, energetic city, but its chaotic spirit is
never far beneath the surface: people bribe their way into nightclubs or out of scrapes with
the law, supercars tussle for space with barely roadworthy wrecks and, come nightfall, the
party mindset is truly no-holds-barred.
A humble wooden town in the twelfth century, contemporary Moscow is Russia's Man-
hattan, with brash and opinionated locals, a “whatever, whenever” approach to retail and
a startling contrast between its glitzy, cosmopolitan heart, catering to a well-heeled elite,
and pockets of extreme poverty. For visitors, the city is, above all, an assault on the senses
- spend 24 hours navigating its golden-domed churches, people-crushed subway, designer
shops and cliquey nightspots, and you'll need another 24 to recover.
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