Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
This section contains the solutions to the thought experiments and answers to the objective
review questions in this chapter.
Objective 1.1: Thought experiment
1. You can deploy VMM as a clustered role on a failover cluster, and the SQL database
that supports it as a clustered role on a separate failover cluster. This meets the goal
of making VMM highly available without deploying VMM on a highly available virtual
2. You can configure a DPM secondary server as a replica. You can also deploy the DPM
database on a SQL Server failover cluster. This meets the goal of making DPM highly
available without deploying the workload in a virtual machine.
Objective 1.1: Review
Correct answer: C
Incorrect: While VMM does include the ability to determine whether a VMM
server or virtualization host is compliant against a software update baseline, VMM
does not include the ability to monitor the software update compliance of other
virtual machines running in the private cloud.
Incorrect: Operations Manager does not include the ability to monitor software
update compliance.
Correct: You can use Configuration Manager to monitor software update compli-
ance for Windows 8.1 virtual machines.
Incorrect: Orchestrator does not include the ability to monitor software update
Correct answers: B, C, and D
Incorrect: You can only deploy one Orchestrator management server.
Correct: Deploying multiple runbook servers will make the Orchestrator deploy-
ment more highly available.
Correct: Deploying the Orchestration database on a SQL Server failover cluster will
make the Orchestrator deployment more highly available.
Correct: Deploying the management server on a highly available virtual machine
will make the Orchestrator deployment more highly available.
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