Geography Reference
In-Depth Information
6.7. Map showing changes and growth of areas linked to festivals
and parades in films of Liverpool (1900s-1970s).
between Lime Street and William Brown Street, another key location
for festivals and parades in Liverpool.
One of the earliest filmic documents of parades in the city is he
Liverpool Pageant: Celebrating the 700th Anniversary of the Foundation
of Liverpool. This took place in Wavertree Playground (not shown on
the map) and, as the title suggests, marked the celebration of the seven
hundredth anniversary of the granting of the royal charter by King John
in 1207.
In the eighteenth century, Exchange Flags, the square behind the
Town Hall was the epicenter of trade and commerce; it was here that the
notorious business deals were done that underpinned the slave trade, a
major source of the city's wealth. In the early decades of the twentieth
century the square was an important site for parades and civic events
and is featured in many newsreels and actualities, including films made
by Mitchell and Kenyon in 1900-1901, such as St George's Day Procession
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