Geography Reference
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33. Zhang, “Changing with the Yellow
R iver,” 2.
34. Ibid., passim.
35. Ibid., 16.
36. Mostern, Dividing the Realm, chap. 2.
37. S. Xu 徐松 , ed., Song huiyao jigao
會要輯稿 , 8 vols. (1809; Beijing: Zhong-
hua shuju, 1957), fangyu 5.29b-30a.
38. Zhang, “Changing with the Yel-
low R iver,” 22. Zhang explains that
population growth, prosperity, and silk
production all flourished in the old course
region after 1048. If this - rather than our
hypothesis of decline - is correct, it makes
the relatively low density of counties and
prefectures there even more intriguing.
See ibid., 34.
39. R . W hite, foreword in Knowles,
Placing History, x.
40. Knowles, “GIS and History,” 3.
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