Geography Reference
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related entities with one another. See P.
Bol, “The China Historical Geographic
Information System (GIS): Choices Faced,
Lessons Learned” (2007), htp://w w w.fas
13. This section of the essay summa-
rizes R . Mostern's topic Dividing the Realm
in Order to Govern: The Spatial Organiza-
tion of the Song State (960-1276 CE) (C a m -
bridge, Mass.: Harvard Asia Center, 2011).
14. Hartwell, “Demographic, Political
and Social Transformation.”
15. C. Tilly, Coercion, Capital and Eu-
ropean States, 990-1992, vol. 1 (Cambridge:
Blackwell, 1992), 125.
16. I bid.
17. S. Wang 汪聖鐸 , Liang Song
caizheng shi 兩宋財政史 (Beijing: Zhong-
hua shuju, 1995), 529-34.
18. W. Bao 包偉民 , Songdai difang
caizheng shi yanjiu 宋代地方財政史
(Shanghai: Shanghai guji chubanshe,
2001), 71-72.
19. Z. Wang 王曾瑜 , Songdai bingzhi
chutan 宋朝兵制初探 (Beijing: Zhonghua
shuju, 1983). This discussion is also indebt-
ed to C. Hucker, A Dictionary of Official
Titles in Imperial China (Stanford, Calif.:
Stanford University Press, 1985), 46.
20. T. Li 李燾 , Xu zizhi tongjian
changbian 續資治通鑑長編 , 5 vols.
(1183; Shanghai: Xinhua shudian, 1986),
21. Ibid., 365.8756-57, 407.9908-9.
22. G. Cunfer, On the Great Plains: Agri-
culture and Environment (College Station:
Texas A&M University Press, 2005); and
J. W. Wilson, “Historical and Computa-
tional Analysis of Long-Term Environ-
mental Change: Forest in the Shenandoah
Valley of Virginia” (Ph.D. diss., University
of Maryland, 2005) are two very compel-
ling works of HGIS focused on environ-
mental maters, though with less atention
to political geography and state power.
23. L. Gong 龔莉 et al., Huanghe
shihua 黃河史話 (Beijing: Zhongguo Da-
baike Quanshu Chubanshe, 2007), 96-98.
24. Ibid., 87; and M. Ren, R . Yang,
and H. Bao, Zhongguo ziran dili gangyao
(Beijing: Shangwu, 1979), 168, cited in P.
C. Huang, The Peasant Economy and Social
Change in North China (Stanford, Calif.:
Stanford University Press, 1985), 59.
25. Gong, Huanghe shihua, 157-60; and
R . Mostern, “Cartography on the Song
Frontier: Making and Using Maps in the
Song-Xia Conflict: Evidence from Chang-
bian and Song huiyao, ” in Proceedings of the
Third International Symposium on Ancient
Chinese Books and Records of Science and
Technology (Beijing: Daxiang chubanshe,
2 0 04), 1 47- 5 2 .
26. J. Xu, “Naturally and Anthropo-
genically Accelerated Sedimentation in
the Lower Yellow R iver, China, over the
Past 13,000 Years,” Geografiska Annaler,
Series A, Physical Geography 80 (1998):
67-78, 72.
27. Y. Saito, Z. Yang, and K. Hori, “The
Huanghe (Yellow R iver) and Changjiang
(Yangzi R iver) Deltas: A Review on Their
Characteristics, Evolution and Sediment
Discharge during the Holocene,” Geomor-
phology 41 (2001): 219-31.
28. L. Zhang, “Changing with the Yel-
low R iver: An Environmental History of
Hebei, 1048-1128,” Harvard Journal of Asi-
atic Studies 69 (2009): 1-36, 4.
29. Gong, Huanghe shihua, 99-101.
30. J. Xu, “A Study of Long Term En-
vironmental Effects of R iver Regulation
on the Yellow R iver of China in Historical
Perspective,” Geografiska Annaler, Series
A, Physical Geography 75 (1993): 61-72,
31. Gong, Huanghe shihua, 151.
32. E. Economy, The River Runs Black:
The Environmental Challenge to China's
Future (Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University
Press, 2004), 39.
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