Geography Reference
In-Depth Information
19. A more extensive account of this
architecture is provided by Southall, “Re-
building the Great Britain Historical GIS,
Par t 2.”
20. htp://; htp://eac; ht p://w w w
21. htp://w w
22. Andrew Baker, personal communi-
cation, November 2009.
23. B. Baily, M. R iley, P. Aucot, and
H. Southall, “Extracting Digital Data from
the First Land Utilisation Survey of Great
Britain: Methods, Issues and Potential,”
Applied Geography 31 (2011): 959-68. One
published study making some use of these
data for the Peak District is M. Dallimer,
D. Tinch, S. Acs, N. Hanley, H. R . South-
all, K. J. Gaston, and P. R . Armsworth,
“100 Years of Change: Examining Ag-
ricultural Trends, Habitat Change and
Stakeholder Perceptions through the 20th
Cent u r y,” Journal of Applied Ecology 46
(2 0 0 9): 3 3 4 - 4 3 .
24. R . Walford, ed., Land Use - UK: A
Survey for the 21st Century (Sheffield: Geo-
graphical Association, 1997).
25. For some examples, see R . Janiskee,
“Socially and Ecologically Responsible
Historical Geography,” Environmental
Review 4 (1980): 35-40.
26. htp://
27. G. J. A llord and W. J. Carswell,
“Scanning and Georeferencing Historical
USGS Quadrangles,” U.S. Geological Sur-
vey, Madison, Wis., 2011, htp://pubs.usgs
28. htp://
29. For much more about chancel li-
ability and the relevant historical records,
see National Archives, “Chancel Repair
Liabilities in England and Wales,” Legal
Records Information Lealet 33, htp://
30. htp://
31. The original Kain and Oliver data
are held by the UK Data Archive as SN
4348: “Historic Parishes of England and
Wales: An Electronic Map of Boundaries
before 1850 with a Gazeteer and Meta-
data.” he GIS constructed by the Great
Britain HGIS is similarly held as SN 4828:
“GIS of the Ancient Parishes of England
and Wales, 1500-1850.”
32. Conveyancing Liability Solutions
Ltd., htp://
33. I. N. Gregory, C. Bennet, V. L.
Gilham, and H. R . Southall, “The Great
Britain Historical GIS: From Maps to
Changing Human Geography,” Carto-
graphic Journal 39 (2002): 37-49.
34. PinPoint Chancel, htp://w w w
35. R EF2014: Research Excellence
Framework, htp://
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