Java Reference
In-Depth Information
B.6 Summary
What we have seen in this appendix is a small fraction of the features
available in the SNAP Mobile Client API. We have given you basic infor-
mation on how to get started in the connected mobile game development
world, but you need to read the complete documentation and check
more examples from Nokia's SDK in order to have a full understanding
of the power of SNAP Mobile. The samples folder of the SDK contains
an example game, Maze Racer , which uses many of the capabilities
described here plus the features specific to games, such as matchmaking,
ranking, player stats and more. As it is fairly complete, you can use it as
the basis for your own games, and to learn the whole scope of what the
Client API can do for you. You can add additional game features such
as head-to-head connected games, versatile world games, lobbies, game
rooms, and more.
The fast evolution of mobile phone capabilities means that games can
make a transition from standalone and casual to online and multiplayer, so
as to attract gamers used to the power of desktop and portable video game
consoles. The SNAP Mobile service allows a smooth transition between
these two worlds by providing a strong business model, powerful tools
and APIs that shield you from having to build an entire online multiplayer
games structure. You can leverage Nokia's robust, battle-proven SNAP
Mobile technology to quickly add connected functionality to existing
games or to create new multiplayer games from scratch.
For more information on SNAP Mobile, check out .
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