Java Reference
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need to ensure that the AppName and AppClass fields have the correct
values if they haven't been set already.
You also need to be able to specify network settings for when your
application uses sockets over OBEX or HTTP. We aren't going to use this
here, but when you do need it, it can be hard to find, so select Preferences
from the Window menu and select the DoJa-2.5 Environment node on
the left to see the screen in Figure 7.6. This is where you specify the
base URL for your application's ADF. Remember that i-Appli can only
open sockets back to the server where the ADF is located (from which
the application was downloaded) so you must set this value correctly to
open connections successfully.
Figure 7.6 Project Network setup
7.6 Dirty Hands
Cellulite allows you to enter a series of data records containing a
date and a weight in kilograms into a local 'database' (we'll use a
java.util.Vector for this, so obviously it won't persist). You can
add new records or edit existing ones and you can also produce a
graph to display the trend. The application consists of three views (see
Figure 7.7).
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