Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 7.1 DoJa Toolkit Custom Installation
sits astride CLDC 1.1 so all of the standard low-level libraries are there as
well as the same limitations:
the generic connection framework
no finalization
bytecode pre-verification
reduced thread functionality, compared to Java SE
reduced java.util and package functionalities, com-
pared to Java SE.
Most versions of the DoJa profile are designed for use in Japan only.
There are two overseas versions - DoJa 1.5oe and DoJa2.5oe - for the
rest of us to use but they expose much less functionality to the developer
than the DoJa versions that are deployed in Japan. This is because gesture
readers, barcode scanners, virtual banking and e-wallets require a wide
variety of physical and social infrastructure changes to happen before
they can realistically be supported. We're probably due for a new 'oe'
release, but, at time of writing, we don't know the schedule for this.
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