Java Reference
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// Creates a VideoPlayer and gets an associated VideoControl
public void createPlayer() throws ApplicationException {
try {
player = Manager.createPlayer("capture://video");
// Sets VideoControl to the current display.
videoControl = (VideoControl)(player.getControl("VideoControl"));
if (videoControl == null)
} else {
videoControl.initDisplayMode(VideoControl.USE_DIRECT_VIDEO, canvas);
int cWidth = Canvas.getWidth();
int cHeight = Canvas.getHeight();
int dWidth = 160;
int dHeight = 120;
videoControl.setDisplaySize(dWidth, dHeight);
videoControl.setDisplayLocation((cWidth - dWidth)/2,
(cHeight - dHeight)/2);
By setting the canvas to be the current one in the display, we can use
it as a viewfinder for the camera. When we are ready to take a picture,
we simply call getSnapshot(null) on the VideoControl :
public byte[] takeSnapshot() throws ApplicationException {
byte[] pngImage = null;
if (videoControl == null) {
throw new ApplicationException
("Unable to capture photo: VideoControl null");
} try {
pngImage = videoControl.getSnapshot(null);
} catch(MediaException me) {
throw new ApplicationException("Unable to capture photo",me);
} return pngImage;
It should be noted that, if a security policy is in operation, user
permission may be requested through an intermediate dialog, which may
interfere with the photography!
2.9.7 Generating Tones
MMAPI also supports tone generation. Generating a single tone is simply
achieved using the following method of the Manager class:
public static void playTone(int note, int duration, int volume)
throws MediaException
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