Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Fig. 8.5 A live imaging study of GFP-labeled Ngn3 + A undiff upon transition into differentiating
spermatogonia. ( a ) Selected frames of a live imaging study of spermatogonia upon A undiff -to-A 1
transition. The elapsed time is indicated in each panel in hours. Before transition (0-12 h), A undiff
preferentially localized to the area adjacent to the blood vessels (seen as a black line ). Upon tran-
sition into A 1 , two chains of eight-cell cysts (A al-8 ; indexed in yellow and orange ) migrated from
this position to spread all over the basal compartment of the tubule (by ~36-60 h), followed by
synchronous divisions. See (Yoshida et al. 2007b ) for details. ( b - e ) Examples of the vasculature-
proximal localization of A undiff ( arrowheads ), more characteristically to their branch points.
Modified from Yoshida et al. ( 2007b )
Fig. 8.6 Schematic of the vasculature-associated niche for A undiff . ( a ) A schematic of the proposed
vasculature-associated microenvironmental niche for A undiff (and possibly the stem cells), shown in
red . Important components include blood vessels, interstitial cells, myoid cells, Sertoli cells, and
the basement membrane. Sertoli and myoid cells in this region might be “specialized,” as sche-
matically shown in deeper blue and green , respectively. ( b ) The possible controlling pathways of
A undiff /stem cells, shown in arrows 1-5 . Dotted arrows indicate a possible indirect effect from the
blood vessels/interstitium. Cells are not shown proportionally in size. See text for details
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