Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Fig. 4.2 Photographs of the cells on the basal membrane of whole mounts of seminiferous
tubules of a Chinese hamster, stained with hematoxylin staining the nuclei of the germ cells and
Sertoli cells. Sertoli cell nuclei can be recognized by their big nucleolus and the clumps of chro-
matin attached to them at either side. A few are indicated in ( a ) ( arrowheads ). As the tubule is a
three-dimensional structure, not all nuclei in an area will be in focus as they can be at a slightly
different level from the basal membrane. ( a ) A s spermatogonium ( arrow ). ( b ) A pr spermatogonia
( arrows ). A line has been drawn between the cells of the pair. ( c ) A chain of four A al spermatogo-
nia. ( d ) A chain of nine A al spermatogonia that are part of a chain that continues beyond the area
of the photograph, consisting of in total 16 cells. ( e ) Three A1 spermatogonia ( arrows ) with rep-
resentative internuclear distances that are larger than those between the cells belonging to a clone
of A pr or A al spermatogonia. In this area there is also an A s spermatogonium ( arrowhead ). ( f ) Two
A spermatogonia close together that technically form a pair as their internuclear distance is less
than 25 mm. However, one of the nuclei is bigger than the other and has an elongated shape while
the other has a more oval nucleus. This likely is a false pair, i.e., two A s spermatogonia that have
stayed together. Bar = 8 mm
a phenomenon called the wave (Perey et al. 1961 ). When one follows the wave
of spermatogenesis along a seminiferous tubule, the stages of the epithelial cycle
pass by and also one can follow the subsequent phases of the cell cycle of the
A1, A2, A3, A4, In, and B spermatogonia (Fig. 4.3 ; Lok and de Rooij 1983a ).
For example, when a certain area contains A3 spermatogonia in G1 phase of the
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