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Procedural - Douglas et al. (2006), Joshi
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Locus of control: Banerjee et al. (1998),
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Moral obligation: Al-Rafee and Cronan
Past behavior: Ajzen (2002), Cronan and
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Perceived behavioral control: Ajzen (1991),
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Perceived normative beliefs: Banerjee et al.
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The ethics literature, as well as worldwide
attention, confirms that ethical behavior contin-
ues to be a very important global issue. A better
understanding of the precedents and influences of
ethical/unethical behavior may lead to approaches
for positively influencing ethical behavior—a
desirable outcome for business and society. The
proposed conceptual model provides a foundation
upon which alternative models can be researched
in the quest for understanding ethical/unethical
behavior. Given the proposed model (Figure 1)
as a basis, additional empirical research is called
for in order to better understand ethical behav-
ior, as well as its determinants, and hence yield
valuable information that can be used to curb
unethical behavior.
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Adams, J.S. (1963). Towards an understanding of
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Psychology, 67 , 422-436.
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