Information Technology Reference
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Chapter I
A Proposed IT Ethical
Behavioral Model 1
Timothy Paul Cronan
University of Arkansas, USA
David E. Douglas
University of Arkansas, USA
This chapter advances IT ethics research by surveying the literature regarding IT ethical behavior
models and proposes an IT ethical behavioral model for further research. A proposed conceptual ethi-
cal behavior model is based on an initial meta-analysis of most of the ethical research. The proposed
model suggests that ethical behavioral intention is influenced by an individual's attitude (which in turn
is influenced by a variety of other factors such as perceived importance of the issue, consequences of
the action, and beliefs), as well as other elements from the Theory of Planned Behavior, equity theory,
the environment, control, norms, past ethical behavior, and individual characteristics. This proposed
model provides a basis for additional research that should foster a better understanding regarding
ethical/unethical behavior and determinants of that behavior. Results from further research in ethical
behavior will provide a better understanding of unethical behavior and inappropriate acts allowing
organizations to develop realistic training programs for IT professionals, users, and managers as well
as incorporate effective deterrent and preventive measures that can curb the rising tide of undesired
misuse and unethical behavior in the IT arena.
it unethiCal behavior:
behavior in business. Moreover, unethical behav-
ior in businesses has underscored the need for a
better understanding of this behavior as well as
additional and better methods of preventing this
unethical behavior. Ethical situations arise often
During the last decade, abundant research has
been dedicated to the study of ethics and ethical
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