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σ = −∫ ρ d x
= [D/4 π][d ψ/d x]
when integration is zero and infinity. At x = 0, the magnitude of ψ reaches ψ o :
σ = [2 D R T c/1000 π] 1/2 [sinh (ε ψo/2 k T)]
The average thickness of the double layer, 1/ k , that is, the Debye-Huckel length, is
given as (Chattoraj and Birdi, 1984):
1/ k = [1000 D R T/8 π N5 ε5 c] 0.5
At 25°C, for uni-univalent electrolytes, one gets
k = 3.282 10 7 c −1 [cm]
For small values of ψ, one gets the following relationships:
σ = [ D R T k /2 π N ε] sinh[ε ψ o /2 k T ]
This relates the potential charge of a plane plate condenser to the thickness 1/ k . The
expression based upon the Gouy model is derived as
σ = 0.3514 10 5 sinh [0.0194 ψ o ]
= Γ z N ε
where the magnitude of Γ can be experimentally determined, and thus the magni-
tude of ψ o can be estimated. The free energy change due to the electrostatic work
involved in charging the double layer is (Adamson and Gast, 1997; Chattoraj and
Birdi, 1984; Birdi, 1989)
Fe = I ψo σ d ψ
By combining these equations, the expression for Π el can be written (Chattoraj and
Birdi, 1984):
Π el = 6.1 c 1/2 [cosh sinh −1 (134/A el C 1/2 )] −1
The quantity [ k T] is approximately 4 10 −14 erg at ordinary room temperature (25°C),
and [ k T/ε] = 25 mV. The magnitude of Π el can be estimated from monolayer studies
at varying pH. At the isoelectric pH, the magnitude of Π el will be zero (Birdi, 1989).
These Π versus A isotherms data at varying pH subphase have been used to estimate
Π el in different monolayers.
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