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You should now be looking at the MJPG-streamer demo pages, containing
a snapshot from your camera.
MJPG-streamer demo pages in browser
Let's look at the different methods available to obtain image data from your camera:
• The Static page shows the simplest way of obtaining a single
snapshot frame from your camera. The example uses http://[IP
address]:8080/?action=snapshot to grab a single frame. Just refresh your
browser window to obtain a new snapshot. You could easily embed this
image into your website or blog by using a <img src="http://[IP addr
ess]:8080/?action=snapshot"/> HTML tag, but you'd have to make the
IP address of your Pi reachable on the Internet for anyone outside your local
network to see it, as described in the Exploring dynamic DNS, port forwarding
and tunneling section of Chapter 4 , Wi-Fi Pranks - Exploring Your Network .
The Stream page shows the best way of obtaining a video stream from
your camera. This technique relies on your browser's native support to
decode MJPEG streams and should work fine in most browsers except
for Internet Explorer. The direct URL for the stream is http://[IP
address]:8080/?action=stream .
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