Hardware Reference
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Here are some other effects you might enjoy experimenting with:
echo 0.8 0.9 1000 0.3
Echoes of the alps
flanger 30 10 0 100 10 tri 25 lin
Classic sci-fi robot voice
pitch -500
Creepy villain's voice
pitch 500
Creepy smurf's voice
Make your computer do the talking
Why should we humans have to exhaust ourselves yapping into microphones all day
when we can make our computers do all the work for us? Let's install eSpeak, the
speech synthesizer:
pi@raspberrypi ~ $ sudo apt-get install espeak
Now let's make the Pi say something:
pi@raspberrypi ~ $ espeak "I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that."
You will receive warnings from ALSA lib whenever you run espeak ; these can be
safely ignored.
We could also make it read beautiful poetry in a French accent from a file:
pi@raspberrypi ~ $ espeak -f /etc/motd -v french
Or combine espeak with other applications for endless possibilities as shown below:
pi@raspberrypi ~ $ ls | espeak --stdout | sox -t wav - -d reverb 99 50 0
To write the resulting speech to a WAV file, use the -w argument:
pi@raspberrypi ~ $ echo "It's a UNIX system. I know this." | espeak -w
Finally, to get a list of the different voices available, use the --voices and
--voices=en arguments.
Scheduling your audio actions
In this section, we'll be looking at different techniques of triggering a recording
or a playback and optionally how to make it stop after a certain period of time.
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