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Now start the client and follow the onscreen instructions for the one-time
setup procedure:
pi@raspberrypi ~ $ ttytter -ssl
4. Once you've entered your PIN and you are back at the prompt, you can run
ttytter -ssl again to start the client in interactive mode, where anything
you type that doesn't start with a slash will be tweeted to the world. Type /
help to see a list of the possible commands and /quit to exit ttytter .
5. Let's try a simple status update first with a few useful arguments added for
good measure:
pi@raspberrypi ~ $ ttytter -ssl -status="Alive: $(date) from
$(curl -s ipogre.com)" -autosplit -hold
Raspberry Pi reporting its time and external IP address on Twitter
° The -ssl argument enables encryption when we're talking to Twitter
and is now a requirement.
° The -status argument with the tweet enclosed in double quotes is
the quickest way of sending a single message from the command
line without entering interactive mode. In this message, we're using
a feature of the shell called command substitution that allows the
output of a command to be inserted back in place.
° -autosplit is used to automatically split messages that are longer
than 140 characters into multiple tweets.
° -hold instructs ttytter to keep retrying to send the message in case
there's a problem communicating with Twitter.
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