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Overcome the Sort Problem of Low
Discrimination by Interval Fuzzy Number
Wentsung Lai and Berlin Wu
Abstract Purposes: to explore the sort problem if student scores discrimination
was too low or the arithmetic average was equal. In advance to explore how to
test nonparametric analysis by interval fuzzy scores. Procedures: empirical study
samples had three groups which each had eight scores and arithmetic average
was equal. Methods: to use the fuzzy theory application to create a new model
to solve research purposes. Results: the defuzzification value of interval fuzzy
scores could solve the problem of research purposes. The key technologies were
the new Definition 2.1 of the interval fuzzy scores as
. In advance to calculate
three levels defuzzification sort analysis by Definition 2.2 . Therefore, results could
apply for the sort problem of the same scores or low discrimination. The key
technologies could also solve the sort problem of application for admission when
12-year compulsory education is implemented in Taiwan.
Keywords Interval fuzzy number ￿ 12-year compulsory education ￿ Sort ￿ Low
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