Graphics Reference
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Assign your new lampshades to Group 2 by selecting the number 2 just below
the object name. Now, on our new model, select the lampshade's surface, load the
diffuse map again, and turn your Force Opacity down to 90 percent. Don't forget to
check Draw Backfaces . The result should look like the following screenshot. Don't
worry that the rest of the lamp has disappeared. Element's scene setup window
doesn't show all the objects but only the one currently being worked with. The rest
of the lamp is still on group 1, and we'll work with it later. The rest of your
lampshade is right where it should be:
You'll rarely hear this word outside of 3D animation. Laymen call it a glint or simply
a highlight . This is the shiny spot on an object that mimics the reflection of the light
source. We could just turn the specularity up and get some nice highlights all across
the glass; but then, our metal frame around the glass would get highlights too. Tiffany
metal is usually rough and not shiny at all. So, we can use a matte to mask off the area
where we want the highlights to appear.
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