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These maps can be highly customizable and can be remapped to the creator's
desires. UV maps were revolutionary when they were introduced (compared to
simple planar, spherical, cubical, or cylindrical mapping). As Element 3D uses UVs
(primarily), let's just move on.
Any time we're thinking of using images to wrap around an object in any way,
UVs should be generated to remove all of the guesswork. As our lampshades are
nothing more than tapered hollow cylinders, we can simply generate a cylindrical
UV map. In Maya , this is done by selecting the object and navigating to Create
UVs | Cylindrical Mapping in the menu.
Congratulations, you've created your first UV map!
Now, repeat this procedure for each individual lamp shade. Do not do this to all
at the same time or your UV mapping will look odd. You'll want one image mapped
on each lampshade, not one for all of them.
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