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Now, parent the new null layer that has been created to the second null of your
jet (the rotation one, which should be parented to the position one). Now, this
null object will stick to the engine and follow the plane's movement.
The Particular plugin can emit particles from a light. So now, let's create
a point light, position it on the engine null, and parent it to that null. The
easiest way to do this is to copy the unparented coordinates of the null to it.
Name this light Emitter 1 , and create a solid layer with the Particular
plugin applied to it to create some smoke. This is a whole chapter in itself,
so to keep from going on a tangent, just search how to create smoke
with particular on Google. Then, for the emitter type, use light .
The result should look similar to what is shown in the following screenshot:
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