Game Development Reference
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Chapter 1
C. The Royal Game of Ur , discovered by Sir LeonardWoolley in the ancient city of
Ur, Sumer (modern-day Iraq) in 1920, is considered to be the oldest game in
recorded history.
False. Galaxy Game was created at Stanford University by Bill Pitts and Hugh
Tuck in 1971. This arcade game (a coin-operated game) was built using a
DEC PDP-11/20, and only one was made.
B. The title holder for the first digital game is often debated, but NIM can argu-
ably be considered the first. Created in 1951 by Ferranti, it debuted at the
Festival of Britain, and a computer (the Nimrod) was built just to play the
game. Spacewar! is generally considered to be the first example of a shooter .
C. Many of the precursors to board games that we are familiar with, such as
Snakes and Ladders , were created to teach the players moral values of good
deeds versus bad. Snakes and Ladders has its origins in India approximately
400 years ago, and one of its early names was paramapada sopanam —the
ladder to salvation.
False. The game is analog.
a. Travellers' Tour Through the United States is recognized as being the first
board game published in the United States. It was published in New York City
by F. Lockwood, a bookseller. The year was 1822, during a time in the United
States when culture was shifting away from a primarily agrarian society to a
more urban lifestyle that provided more leisure time and a rise in income for
many Americans.
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