Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
FiGuRe 9.2 These two screens show various phases of an interface from the game
apparitions , which resembles a laptop computer and helps players collect and analyze evidence.
Other features on the screens that players can access include these:
Red Reef inn A brief history of the hotel
hauntings Access to folders that contain past reports of hauntings at the inn
peter Wren agency Biographies of the three members of the paranormal
research group: Peter Wren, Lucy Ponds, and James Light
Tutorial Allows the player to see, whenever they want, a tutorial on how to play
the game.
Many gamers like
to have tutorials
they can access as a
refresher, especially
because most games
have a tutorial that
plays the first time
the game is launched.
audio playback Lets the players review any audio evidence they have collected.
Video playback Lets the players review any video they have collected.
image playback Lets the players review any static images they have collected.
Remote Cameras Lets the players access a new menu where they see a map
of the hotel and can place up to three cameras in remote locations. Any video
evidence the cameras collect can then be reviewed through the Video Playback
The other buttons along the bottom of the interface allow the player, at any
time, to return to the game or rate the evidence (the three yellow buttons in the
middle). Once they feel they have reviewed and judged enough material, they
can submit evidence to The Atlantic Paranormal Society (TAPS). TAPS is a real-
life group of ghost hunters lead by Jason Hawes and Grant Wilson, and the mak-
ers of Apparitions worked closely with TAPS in the making of the game.
if you're using real
people, places, or
events for your
games, be sure to
investigate whether
there might be copy-
right infringement or
other legal issues.
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