Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
t h e e s s e n t I a l s a n d B e y o n d (Continued)
room. Have a place in the room where the character first appears. Add other elements
to the room, such as furniture and walls. Plan at least one obstacle the character needs
to be able to get around, such as a locked door, furniture that has fallen and blocked the
way, or a huge hole in the floor. Place something in the room that must be discovered in
order for the character to get past the obstacle.
r e v I e W q u e s t I o n s
What is a level editor? (Choose all that apply.)
a. The person in charge of designing
a level
C. A dial indicating how fast you can
make a character move in a game
B. The system for gauging sales of
a game
D. Software that is used to compile
all of the elements made for the
level including visuals and audio
True or false. An array method allow players to view screens showing other
locations to visit.
Hub and spoke, or wagon wheel design refers to
a. a spatial layout for the world
C. games that are Westerns
B. patterns created on the splash
art screens
D. prison games
Spatial design refers to all but
a. depth and dimension of the
C. the size of the launch icon
B. game levels
D. VE's, the virtual environment
What is the GDD?
a. Game Doctoring Device
C. Game Document Definitions
B. Game Decoration Designs
D. Game Design Document
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