Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
t h e e s s e n t I a l s a n d B e y o n d (Continued)
Play a few games, and determine what the intended demographic was. Then compare
your notes with what the manufacturer says the demographic is. If they differ, why
do you think that is?
Examine and play 3-5 games. See if you can figure out which type of camera angle
the designer chose.
r e v I e W q u e s t I o n s
Which type of axonometric projection is most commonly used in games?
a. Diametric
C. Isometric
B. Trimetric
D. Skybox
True or false. The demographic for a game is based on who the designers are.
True or false. The majority of games that are played are violent.
Which two types of POV are used in games that have characters in them?
a. Second person and third person
C. First person and second person
B. First person and third person
D. Second person and fourth person
True or false. An advantage of faux 3D backgrounds is that objects do not
change size as the player scrolls the playing field.
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