Game Development Reference
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t h e e s s e n t I a l s a n d B e y o n d (Continued)
Another fun exercise is to select a favorite character from classical literature, such as
Hercules, Icarus, or the Minotaur. Read stories related to these characters, and uncover
the following:
Where did the character live? (Determine the setting: what the world this character
moved through and interacted with looked like.)
What special abilities did the character have?
Did the character have flaws?
What things did this character need to do?
Based on what you uncover, come up with two or three different sketches, and see how
one drawing alone can't work. Coming up with different looks shows you how diverse
design can be and that you don't need to be limited based on pre-existing drawings of
similar characters.
r e v I e W q u e s t I o n s
Why is it a good idea to come up with more than one initial concept design for
any game asset?
a. To avoid getting locked too early
into a design that may later prove
C. To keep as flexible as possible
while the design process evolves
B. To have a variety to choose from
D. All of the above
True or false. A vertical slice is just a small section of a finished game.
D e m o g r a p h i c m e a n s ___________________ .
a. The geography created for the
C. Who the audience is
B. Genre
D. A demo of the game
True or false. When designing a character, supporting gameplay should always
take precedence.
Which of the following is not a type of previs?
a. Pitchvis
C. Concept-vis
B. D-Vis
D. Postvis
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