Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
No experience with sky-diving is necessary, but only those with healthy body
mass indexes are allowed to fly. It actually has nothing to do with how much you
weigh, but with how the weight is distributed. Men over 6 feet tall can weight 220
pounds max, under 6 feet 200 pounds. For women, it's 180 pounds over 6 feet,
160 pounds for those between 5 feet 6 inches and 6 feet, and 140 pounds for
those who are shorter. Is it safe? It seems to be for beginners, as the flying you do
is quite limited, with an instructor keeping hold of your hands most of the time;
those more advanced, who start practicing flips and the like, are at greater risk,
but even with those folks no-one has ever died at this facility (and apparently only
one person has died in the 2 decades people have been engaging in this sport).
With 30,000 people coming through the facility yearly, they get about 3 injuries
per year.
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